I don't think I want any more projects any time soon. My first "project" ever, but what might not be my last didn't end as planned. I had visions of sending, climbing strong through the crux, getting good gear and sitting on the top looking out over the valley below and down at my goal, to have climbed Thoroughfare clean to the top.
This past Sunday was my third attempt at the climb in two weeks, as I really wanted it to fall before my birthday....which is today. So, Sunday was my last chance and my internal pressure was on to send. I wanted it, wanted it bad, but didn't finish what I started a few weeks ago. Well, really, I have wanted to lead this route for a few years and I TR'd the shit out of it last year, but didn't have the head space to do it then.
So, it's the fall and it was time to finally get this over with. Needless to say, FAILURE. I got to the crux, couldn't hold on and wiped. My high cam pulled, a red C3, which then I fell on to a sideways placed small wire, which also blew and then on to an old pin. The pin HELD!!! Yay! So happy for that one, as I was about a foot of the ground when I stopped. So, only minor injuries occurred and I walked away from about a 20 footer. It was a fast ride!
Lesson learned??? Well, the last time gear pulled on me I decked and fractured my L4 and didn't climb for months, and it was ICE SEASON! So, next spring the same old goal I will have, to lead Thoroughfare clean!